Mao Mao: TripBlog
Stories from the other side of the world.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Pictures from the yellow mountain

As promised, here are some pictures from the magnifisent climb on the magnifisent Huang Shan (the yellow mountain, which actually wasn't that yellow). Have as much fun as we had!

This is what we looked like before... (and what happens when you give a chinese girl a camera)

And this is us 3 sweaty hours later, after a long climb...

Although there are no less than 3 cable-cars that go up the mountain, the chinese use porters to carry up everything that comes to mind the whole 8 KM it takes to climb it. They carry food, construcstion material and even heavy machinery. If you ever wondered what is the worst job in the world, well - this must be it. By the way, and this is not a joke, if you are willing to pay they will carry you too.


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